
Tuesday, 24 April 2012

Using DPMON: Work Process Monitoring

At times when you are unable to login to R/3 system for various reasons, a tool named dpmon is used to get the process overview of an instance in text mode

DPMON is Dispatcher Monitor (DPMON.exe), which is located under /usr/sap//sys/exe/run. DPMON check the status of the work processes or the dispatcher queue at operating system level.

First go to the location /usr/sap/SID/SYS/profile

1. Log on at operating system level as the adm. Use command cdpro to list down the available profile.
Start the utility program ‘dpmon’. Use the profile used by the application server

example command: dpmon pf=

Once executed dpmon it displays this screen

Type ‘m’ to display all the menu available for the dpmon

displays the screen like this
Now select P to find the work process admin tables

Check the work process which you want kill and select the 1 option to kill the same.


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